
    • 김C(김대원) Kim C
    • 출생(Birthday) : 1971년 11월 15일 ( November / 15 / 1971 )
    • 나이(Age) : 54 세 (만52세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)
    • 별자리(Star sign) : 전갈자리(Scorpio)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 돼지띠(Pig)
    0 김C 로그인후 스크랩(Scrap) 가능합니다.

    스크랩수 : 0명

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    • 수정 : 2014년 11월 15일 09:24 (November 15, 2014)

      SH K-STAR 에서는 보다 신속하고 정확한 인물정보를 제공하기 위해
      확인된 정보에 '정보확인 날짜'를 표시하고 있으니, 참고하셔서
      많은 이용 부탁 드립니다.
      수정 및 삭제는 페이지 하단 '문의하기'를 이용해 주세요...

    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
    • 조회수(count) :

      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
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    • 검색어트렌드(search word trend) : P

      10일 동안 포털사이트(Naver) 검색량
      Update : 2024년 10월 18일

    • 소속그룹(Group) : 뜨거운 감자
    • 페퍼민트 클럽
    • 신체(Body size) : 174cm, 64kg
    • 혈액형(Blood type) : O형 (Type O)
    • 별명(Nickname) : 김말리
    • 취미(Hobbies) : 축구, 프라모델, 오락, 밭 가꾸기
    • 특기(Talent) : 농구
    • 소속(Company) : 디컴퍼니
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2000년 뜨거운감자 1집 앨범 [Navi]
    • 매력포인트(Charm) : 노래할때
    • 이상형(Ideal type) : 현명한 여자
    • 좋아하는 음식(Favorite foods) : 야채, 복숭아
    • 사이트(Site) :
    • Google
    • Naver
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      • 약력
      • 학력
      • biography

      김C(본명 : 김대원, 한자: 金大元, 1971년 11월 15일 ~ )는 대한민국의 가수이다. 뜨거운 감자의 보컬이다.

      고등학교 : 춘천고등학교

      Kim C started off the earlier part of his life not as a musician, but as a baseball player. He served as the outfielder of his school's semi-professional team during his days at Chuncheon High School. It was his close friend, and ultimate Korean rock star Yoon Do-hyeon,
      along with bassist Ko Beum-jun that recommended he pursue a career in music. And so he did. Kim C started up his band Hot Potato in 1997.
      And the rest is history.

      Hot Potato slowly started to take off, in line with Kim C's popularity. He joined the popular music TV show "Yoon Do-hyeon's Love Letter" from 2006-2007, as the host of a segment called "Making A Gorgeous World With The "Off" Kim C". Kim C followed that up with many
      other appearances on TV like variety programs and documentaries. One of his most popular appearances, was his regular spot on the hit variety program "1 Night 2 Days". However, these mainstream TV choices were never made for him to become a star. It was always a calculated move to advertise his music.

      Kim C boasts a very sweet yet deeper-toned and slightly husky voice.
      He's known for his unique style of playing guitars, not to mention his lyrical talents. Some of his most popular songs were "Don't Worry Yohey!", "The Woman That Followed After The Spring Breeze", and "Rain Tears".

      Now, in addition to his music career, he's a husband and a father to a daughter and son. He also is the catcher of an entertainment baseball team called Han.
